
Monday, March 17, 2003

The Courageous Mr. Robin Cook 

Robin Cook resigns from the British Parliament, with these words:

"Mr Cook warned that "none of us can predict the death toll" of war, but that it is likely that casualities will number at least in the thousands.

He also defended the policy of containment, which the government dismissed as inadequate. Containment, he said, had led to the destruction of more weapons than had the last Gulf war.

War is only now contemplated "because Iraq's forces are so weak," Mr Cook continued, saying that "Iraq probably had no weapons of mass destruction in the commonly-used sense of the term" - a device that could be exploded in a western city.

Mr Cook also asked why Britain and America were so impatient with Iraq when it "is over 30 years since the UN called on Israel to quit the occupied territories".

He attacked George Bush's administration for greeting evidence of disarmament with "consternation", because it undermines the case for war. In reference to Mr Bush's controversial election victory, Mr Cook claimed that Britain was only now going to war "because of some hanging chads in Florida".

He concluded by saying that he had learned in his political career to "trust the British people", and because of that he intended to join those tomorrow night in voting against military action."

Long live Robin Cook.