
Sunday, November 07, 2004

A democracy in crisis. 

It is quite obvious now, that we ought not to entrust the keys to our democracy to a form of technology that is outrageously vulnerable to interference from outside parties. Futhermore, with all of the reports of attempted voter suppression, and outright vote fraud in the form of tossed ballots, we must acknowledge that we are a democracy in crisis, and it is going to take strong measures to restore the confidence of millions in our voting system. Furthermore, we ought to seriously question the motives of those who would oppose our efforts to secure our elections democratically.

We must question any and all of our democratic leaders who would oppose our efforts.

We must question any and all of our republican leaders who would oppose our efforts.

Above all, we must question, goad and challenge our fellow citizens to take note of what has happened to our democracy. The times demand nothing short of this.